Constitutive Charter

Rome, February the 19th 2013

To promote wine environmental sustainability as an essential element of quality excellence and competitiveness of our products in the markets,

On the assumption that the definition of a single, shared and comparable system of environmental analysis is essential for the development of an economy of environmental improvement,

The signatories of this charter which contains the proposal of the Charter of Montepulciano, undertake to carry out the actions necessary to ensure that:

  1. The Italian wine system funds its process of environmental improvement on common objectives, unified for all actors in the sector, placing the product and the consumer at the center of the proposal for change and innovation.
  2. A limited number of indicators shall be identified which, on the basis of detailed scientific and technical assessments will be translated into a language of common use of the wine environmental sustainability.
  3. The environmental analysis shall demonstrate innovative models of investment and management for the companies also aimed at improving economic and social perspective, within a modern and comprehensive approach to sustainable development.
  4. The wine environmental analysis shall always set goals improving the mandatory standards, basing their systems of management and control on internationally harmonized standards and on third-party verification to certify the results.
  5. Wine environmental communication shall be oriented to involve consumer, even in an emotional and evocative optical but always relying on the principles of transparency, prudence and verifiability of information.